Complaints Policy

Complaints Policy

1.0 Introduction

The complaints procedure outlines the process for making a formal complaint about the services provided by Brooklands College.

It should be noted that this procedure does not deal with academic appeals for which a separate procedure applies. Also, this procedure is not designed to deal with staff complaints. Staff should use other procedures that are in place including the grievance procedure.

The procedure aims to ensure that all complainants are treated equitably and all complainants receive equally prompt, helpful and professional responses. All formal complaints will be logged and monitored to ensure a timely response.

All complaints will be formally investigated and where appropriate, feedback will be used to improve our services to customers.

Informal Complaints

Where possible the member of staff should try to deal with the issue directly before it is escalated into a formal complaint. Complainants who do not wish to make a formal complaint should:

Discuss their complaint with a member of staff in person or by phone. Where the issue is resolved by the member of staff, there may be no further need for action and the complaint may be considered closed, in which case no formal record is required.

Formal Complaints

In cases where a complaint is not resolved informally, the person making the complaint should put their concerns in writing by email to [email protected]. The procedure deals with complaints such as but not limited to the quality or experience of education and training and support services provided by the College.
The Quality & Standards Administrator will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within three working days and assign an appropriate manager as the Investigating Manager to gather evidence in response to the complaint.
The investigating manager will send a formal response within ten working days. If a new timescale is agreed, the complainant will be notified and it will be documented. A written record of the investigation will be kept on the complaints log.
The complainant should appeal to the Assistant Principal in writing if not satisfied with the outcome of the complaints process. The appeal should outline why the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome.
All correspondence will be kept by the Quality & Standards team in the Complaints Inbox.

2.0 What are these procedures for?

These procedures cover formal complaints about the service and/or experience provided by Brooklands College. Please note that any complaints about the academic assessment process i.e. grades and assessment should be addressed as part of the Appeals Procedure.

Any allegations specifically relating to a staff member will be directed to the People Team who will instigate a formal investigation where appropriate.

3.0 Who can use the complaints procedure?
Anyone who wishes to register a formal complaint, whether as an individual or as a group, should nominate a named lead to receive response.

Complaints Received in the Directorate

Letters and phone calls of complaint addressed to the Executive team will be treated in exactly the same way as all other complaints, receiving initial and final response letters from the investigating manager, so that the complainant has the option of making a final appeal to the Assistant Principal.
All complaints received in the Directorate will be logged and monitored and included in the report to the Curriculum and Performance Committee. All correspondence will be kept in the Complaints file for monitoring purposes.


4.0 Monitoring of Complaints for Self-Assessment and Inspection

The Quality & Standards team should receive all letters of complaint and related correspondence. These will be logged, checked for resolution and filed in the Complaints file. This log will be presented to the Curriculum and Performance Review in November and May.


5.0 Complaints to Outside Agencies including Higher Education Institutions (HEI)

Should the complaint not be resolved internally to the satisfaction of the complainant, following an appeal, they have the right to raise the matter with the College’s external funding agencies or relevant Higher Education Institution (HEI).

Links regarding specific HEI processes may be found on the College and relevant HEI websites.

For issues about assessment matters where the complainant is unhappy with the College response the complaint should go to the awarding body.

6.0 What happens if I make a formal complaint?

Making a formal complaint means that:

Your complaint is taken seriously by the college
Your complaint is dealt with quickly by the college
You will receive an acknowledgement within three working days followed by a formal response within ten working days unless in exceptional circumstances.
You will be given the reasons for our response.

The College will take action to improve its service if appropriate.

7.0 What if I do not want to make a formal complaint?

If you are unhappy about the service being offered but do not want to make a formal complaint, then please discuss with a member of staff, teacher or Welfare & Wellbeing Officer who will support you.

If you are not satisfied with the action taken you can still make a formal complaint following the procedure outlined in the document.

Address your complaint to:

Assistant Principal
Brooklands College
Heath Road
KT13 8TT

E-mail: [email protected]

8.0 Can anyone help or assist me?

Yes. If you are a student of the college and would like help and assistance in presenting your complaint you may contact your Welfare & Wellbeing Officer or another member of staff for support. Please note that members of staff are not able to provide any advocacy or representation for students as this may lead to a conflict of interests.

9.0 What if I am not happy with the response I receive about my complaint?

You can appeal in writing to the Assistant Principal or if appropriate an external body such as a linked HE provider or funding body, stating why you are not satisfied with the outcome. Your response will be acknowledged within three working days. A formal response will be provided within ten working days.

Guide To Complaints Procedure

We hope these procedures will make it as easy as possible for you to register your formal complaint with us.

Stage 1
Person making a complaint (the complainant) should email their formal complaint to the email address: [email protected].

Stage 2
The Quality & Standards Administrator will acknowledge receipt of the email within three working days and will assign an appropriate manager as the investigating manager to the complaint.

Stage 3
The investigating manager will investigate the complaint and formally respond within ten working days of receipt of the complaint.

Stage 4
If the complainant is not happy with the way in which their complaint has been addressed, please email the Assistant Principal (email [email protected]) stating that you wish to appeal and outline the reasons why you are not satisfied with the outcome of the investigation.

Stage 5
The Assistant Principal will confirm receipt of the appeal within three working days. The Assistant Principal will investigate the issues raised by consulting with those concerned in the initial procedure. You will receive a formal response to your appeal within ten working days. If you are not satisfied with the response and actions of the Assistant Principal then the College will advise which external statutory bodies you can consult.